Saturday, August 14, 2010

Ashtapadi by Oorakam Padinjaare Marath Krishna Marar - Devi Sthuthi

Ashtapadi by Oorakam Padinjaare Marath Krishna Marar

Ashtapadi songs are set in a special raga and tala. It is a rhyme of eternal love and supreme devotion.The literal meaning of "Ashtapadi" is "eight steps". This video features Sri. Krishna Marar, of Padinjaare Marath, Oorakam, singing an ashtapadi praising devi.

Normally, Ashtapadi is sung, when the sanctum sanctorum (i.e the main door, where the presiding deity of temple) is closed for special poojas and decorations. It takes normally, 10 to 15 minutes to perform these special poojas and rituals. The temple artist, will sing a song playing "idakka" (the percussion instrument used here) praising the presiding deity during this period. Since, Sri. Krishna Marar is from Oorakam, this song is dedicated to Devi, as Oorakam temple is famous for a different form of Kanchi Kamakshi.

This particular song is very auspicious if one listens to it every day.

It was a long overdue task or dream to capture his singing. As he has retired from his official and temple duties, I invited him to home and he was kind enough to sing a few songs for me to record. A series of his Ashtapadis will be uploaded in the coming days as time permits.

This series is my humble dedication to all temple artists of Kerala.

If interested to keep in touch with him, you may contact him at:

Sri. Krishna Marar
Oorakam Padinjaare Marath,
C/o. Sukrutham Charitable Trust,
Kottanallore Post
Thrissur District,

Phone: 00 91 944 6777 966

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